Microtech Ultratech Knives

Microtech Ultratech Knives Microtech Ultratech Knives

The Ultratech OTF Automatic Switchblade is the flagship Out the Front knife from Microtech. MT is the best option any knife collector can choose from and when it comes to selecting the best OTF knife, an Ultratech knife from Microtech surpasses all other competitors. Plus, the sleek design makes it easy to store, carry and use. The clip allows the knife to fit perfectly on virtually any belt and remain safely stored. And the automatic opening allows you to quickly and safely bring the knife to the open and closed positions. Coming in a variety of colors and designs, you can find the right knife for you, or order one of the Marfione Custom Knives to fit your exact needs. Microtech Ultratech OTF – Sleek, Sharp and QuickOftentimes, knife collectors will purchase cheap OTF knives that will easily break, quickly dull or not open and close with precision. This is why Microtech Ultratech should be every knife collector’s first choice. They last long so you won’t have to buy another OTF knife in the near future. And they quickly open and close for easy access and use. Plus, they work as the perfect EDC knife, and the designs and patterns are sure to add a pop to any collection.


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